Power Query Essentials - online

Power Query Essentials is an online course designed to teach the fundamentals of Power Query, a powerful data preparation tool in Excel. It is ideal for both beginners and self-taught individuals and requires no prior experience with Power Query.

Course description

This online course is designed to teach learners how to use Power Query, a powerful data connection technology that enables data discovery, data transformation, and enrichment for better analysis and visualization in Excel. The course covers various topics, including how to import data from different data sources, perform data transformations, and use Power Query to improve the functionality of Excel.

Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience with Power Query, learning how to connect to databases, perform data cleaning and shaping, and integrate their skills into real-world scenarios.

The pedagogy is based on short video lessons with accompanying exercise files and knowledge tests for each chapter.

Short about the course

  • Full access to the course for 12 months
  • Around 25 lessons
  • Estimated time to complete course: 3 hours

Introduction video


  1. Get Data
  2. Basic data transformation
  3. Functions in Power Query
  4. Grouping Queries
  5. Combining Queries
  6. How to perform JOINS on tables


Basic Excel skills are a good prerequisite. The Excel course is recorded in a Windows environment and in the latest version of Excel. Power Query is now also available in Excel for Mac.

This course is also available in Swedish: Power Query för Excel

Video example

English Excel

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